4 Industries that Rely on Cool Rooms in Australia

Cool Room Ideas 1

Cool Room Ideas for Your Business

The invention of the industrial cool room has revolutionised how many businesses operate around the world, improving overall efficiency and raising their bottom line. These days, some industries in Australia would be lost without their cool rooms and commercial freezers. In this article, we’re looking at some of the industries that rely on cool rooms every day.

Hospitality – Cafés, Bars and Restaurants

It’s no secret that the service industry would be lost without their cool rooms. Cafés, bars and restaurants handle huge volumes of perishable stock, including meat, dairy, and vegetables. Larger establishments need to have food prep and back up stock on hand throughout their service times or meeting the demand would be impossible.

Cool rooms come in handy to store everything you need in the one place, keeping it well organised and appropriately stocked at all times. Plus, cool rooms make it easier to meet the health and safety requirements for food handling and storage. Blast freezers are also handy for creating large quantities of stock in short periods of time.

Retail – Grocery Stores, Fish Markets and Bottle Shops

Major grocery chains would be lost without their commercial cool room. These efficient, custom-made cool rooms often have a shelving section at the front and areas for their employees to work out the back, sorting and stocking the shelves. This is similar for bottle shops where they keep excess stock and large cartons out the back, displaying a certain number of individual products for the customers to browse and choose from.

Fish markets tend to use ice as a cooling method as they keep their stock on the floor for their customers to choose from, but this method doesn’t work for overnight storage and excess stock. In those cases, you’ll need an industrial freezer or fridge as seafood products need a specific environment to remain safe for eating.


Florists work with high quantities of perishable products. Different types of flowers have different needs, and they must be kept at a specific temperature to extend their lifespan. Refrigerators that are meant for food are often too cold for flowers and can lead to “freezer burn” or the flowers going into shock when they are removed.

6 – 8 degrees Celsius is usually considered to be the perfect temperature for most small-scale florists. Larger wholesalers who have their customers’ warm bodies entering and leaving the cool room throughout the day can set the temperature anywhere from 3 – 5 degrees Celsius.


Science, medicine and hospitality classes in high schools and universities require access to cool rooms. In these spaces, students store temperature-sensitive materials that they use for experiments and assessments. Students are given strict guidelines for using these cool rooms and freezers safely and efficiently, as an equipment failure can be costly and time-consuming.

Finding the Best Equipment for Your Industry

Cold-Rite supplies businesses and schools in Sydney with the highest quality walk-in fridges and industrial freezer rooms available. To design your custom equipment or choose something from our existing product range, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can request a quick quote online.

If you’re looking for cool room ideas, our experienced team can provide innovative solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring optimal functionality and efficiency for your refrigeration requirements. Explore exciting possibilities with Cold-Rite today!

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